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Best Of The Best Of The Best

The Science of Success

The term the Best Of The Best Of The BEST (BotBotBest) is often used to describe those who have achieved the pinnacle of success in any endeavor (sports, technology, business, science, writing, art, music, entertainment, etc).  The best way to learn is to study those who are the best.   Becoming the best of the best requires focus, persistence, hard work, talent, skill, and some luck.


Wake Up.  Run For Your Life With Me. 

“Run” is a song by American rock band The Foo Fighters.  It was released as a single on June 1, 2017.  The band was contemplating the fact that they were getting old and that time is running out for us all.  Taylor Hawkins, their drummer, suggested that they should be 100 years-old and thrashing in the video.  Taylor Hawkins died unexpectedly March 25, 2022 at age 50.   R.I.P. Taylor 🙁

Never Stop Pushing

Top Gun is a film about fighter jet pilots who were the Best Of The Best Of The Best at something incredibly dangerous and exceedingly specialized learning that they had maturity and growth to experience.

To Be The Best

Everyone’s got their chains to break
Holding you
Were you born to resist or be abused
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best

Until Time Runs Out

Before the time runs out
There’s somewhere to run
Wake up
Run for your life with me

NEXT – Taylor Hawkins Master Class

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