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To Be The Best – Tenacious D – The Best Band In History. FACT.


The term Best Of The Best Of The Best (BotBotBest) is often used to describe those who have achieved the pinnacle of success in athletics, education, music, entertainment, or business.  GOATs.  Being the best in your field should be the goal for anyone trying to achieve anything great.  Becoming the best of the best requires focus, persistence, hard work, talent, skill, and some luck.


No achievement in human history can or ever will encapsulate the spirit of BotBotBest better than the BEST and GREATEST band in the world and in history.  Tenacious-D. 

Best Of All Time FACTS

Some called them Kings.   Others called them Gods, but one thing that EVERYONE agreed on was that Tenacious-D was more talented than the Beatles, Stones, and Zeppelin combined.

They had made the greatest album EVER recorded by anyone EVER.  That’s NOT opinion that’s FACT.

Maria Mennosou

"News" Reporter, EXTRA


The Greatest & Best In The World…  Tribute

Ok, you wanna bail?  Go ahead.   You wanna walk away from your dreams or do you wanna come in here with us?

Like the Tenacious-Ds we know… and CHANGE HISTORY!?

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We'll All Be Dead Soon. Do Something Great.

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